The OGH Healthcare Foundation
About the Foundation
At the Ochiltree General Hospital Foundation, it is our vision to create a comprehensive health care delivery system to not only provide outstanding continuous coverage, but to help boost quality of life and the local economy.

Our Campaign
It’s a scary fact, but rural hospitals across the nation are closing their doors at higher rates, leaving residents without a health care option close to home. Not only that, but Texas is facing a critical shortage of physicians just as the state’s population ages
and an influx of retirees relocate to the state. Ochiltree General
Hospital, however, continues to buck that trend by looking
ahead and planning for the future. We are dedicated to providing
outstanding ethical and professional service while offering the highest standard in health care.
With the modernization and expansion of the surgical suite, ancillary services and rural health clinic, in addition to the arrival of Dr. Blasingame, OGH will continue providing hope and healing at home, helping vitalize Perryton and surrounding communities for decades to come.
We hope you’ll consider a gift to the Ochiltree General Hospital Foundation. All Capital Campaign donors who give $1,000 and above will be honored with a Commemorative Block on the Wall of Honor or with a Commemorative Brick on the Walk of Honor. (Capital Construction will determine the location of the Wall or Walk of Honor. Naming opportunities will also be honored in the designation area selected.)
Campaign Information