February 1, 2021 – Due to the decline of COVID-19 positive cases in our community, Ochiltree General Hospital will once again be changing protocols to protect our patients while also allowing visitation.
Effective Monday, January 25, 2021, Ochiltree General Hospital began allowing patients admitted into OGH under acute, outpatient or swing bed services to have two (2) authorized people over the age of 18 enter the facility daily from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Patients admitted through the OGH Emergency Department as well as Obstetrics can have two authorized people at any time after they present for care. Authorized visitors must meet the following criteria:
1. This person must be screened for symptoms, temperature taken and asked about
possible exposure to SARS-CoV-2. Any individual with symptoms or who has been advised to self-quarantine because of exposure should be prohibited from visiting.
2. All persons entering the facility must wear a face mask at all times. Visitors must also maintain hand hygiene and appropriate social distancing. Full PPE must be worn when visiting COVID-19 positive patients.
3. No more than two visitors will be allowed.
4. Visitors will enter through the ER entrance.
5. Visitors may consider testing for themselves, but this will not change the approach
to screening for symptoms, signs and exposure and utilization of face covering.
6. Visitors must be limited to the patient room. They may not enter other patient care
areas, food vending areas, cafeteria, or the nurse’s station. Any meetings with the
staff must take place in the patient room.
7. Virtual visits will continue to be encouraged.
8. Screens have been removed from windows and room numbers are in blue on
outside windows in order to promote extended family and friends to visit outside
and allow patients to physically see their loved ones. Please do not open windows.
9. Visitors assume the liability of entering the facility where SARS-CoV-2 and other
communicable diseases are prevalent at this time.
Ochiltree General Hospital may revisit this policy at any time due to prevalence of COVID in the community or in our facility, staffing levels and PPE supplies. As always, we will remain diligent in the care, transmission and prevention of COVID-19.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Infection Control Officer, ACNO Jyme Kinnard, at jlkinnard@oghtx.com, Chief Nursing Officer Kelly Judice, RN, at kjudice@oghtx.com or call the hospital main line at 806-435-3606.
Ochiltree General Hospital, your hometown critical access hospital, offers an expansive collection of programs and services designed with you in mind. From our Obstetrics and Women’s Health services to the programs at The Seasons Assisted Living, our aim is to provide for you and your loved ones no matter the stage of life or need.